Well, I couldn't think of anything to call this post other than a hodge-podge of things from my trip home.
While I was there I had a little 'cue. This is the (soon to be) world famous Shack Tater from the Bar-B-Que Shack in Paragould, AR.

Yeah, there's a tater under there.
I had more than my share of these when I worked in that little town, in fact, even though I hadn't been there in 7 years the owner said he remembered me. That's a little embarassing.
My super cute and smart nephew recommends their catfish!

BBQ excursion #2 was to Demo's Barbeque and Smokehouse in Jonesboro, AR. I got the 3 rib plate and they were nice and meaty, just enough. The beans and slaw were pretty good too.

I enjoyed this trip cause I got to visit with cousins and aunts from both sides of my family that I hardly ever get to see.

My friend's little girl seems to approve of the blackberry cobbler (or at least the ice cream on top) from the local diner. Look at those cheeks....I can't stand it! I really wanted to pinch them but that would have proved how old I am and just annoyed her, I'm sure.
If it seems crass or in bad taste I spent the days after my dad's funeral dining around, believe me, he would have approved :)

Here is Piggott Arkansas' claim to fame. Ernest Hemmingway lived in our little town for a period of time after he married a lady from the area. Leaving us with the
Hemmingway Pfieffer Museum. I think this is where he was living when he got suicidal and shot himself (just kidding!)
And I'll leave you with this lovely stretch of road where I was when I heard about the attack on the WTC.

Dang, girl. What all is on that tater? That looks like some serious comfort food.
Mostly meat, and a lot of cheese.
Words cannot describe that tater... Except that I want one.
The bbq looks great. I'll trust you that there is a tater under all that stuff! wow! And blackberry cobbler too? You did a good job of eating around!
I can't believe you had a shack tater without me. I. am. devasted. But anyway, whos kid is that? Have you noticed that your kid and your super cute nephew look alike?
IronJack-you definitely NEED one. Make it happen.
Tiffany-yes, I'm good at eating :)
LB-I thought about you while I was eating the tater.
Hi Julie, thanks for visiting me! That is an amazing tater, it could feed a village!
How are you liking life in the Southwest? How long have you lived there?
Hi Lorrie...I like it here pretty good. As long as the AC is working, I'm ok. I've been here about 7 years.
Thank you so much for your comment on my site. The kiddos are doing better, though they're counting the minutes until Christmas break. It's wonderful to meet a fellow parent who knows the challenges.
I have to say, your trip looks yummy. Lots of cheese and carbs are a good thing in my book.
OMG! That tater looks so good and so very wrong. But soooo good! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. Really nice to meet you.
Oh man. If I lived anywhere in the vicinity of such barbecue, I would weigh 400 pounds. Good thing I live here, where no such delicacies are to be found. Sad.
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