I always love getting that Fed Ex box! They arrived nice and fresh, and when I opened them they smelled so yummy.
The one on the left is the double omega...it's got lots of little flax seeds in there. Also when you read the ingredients you find it's actually got some fish in it. (no it doesn't taste like tuna) Which totally works for me since I don't eat a lot of fish. Not that I don't want to, but I'm just not that great at preparing it.
They both toasted up nice and were yummy slathered in grape jam.

You can click here for all the nutrition info.
Flaxseed is super good for you. It's one of teh best source of omega-3s fatty acids, which of course, help the heart. It also helps your skin to glow and gives you faublous hair.
Those look good. How did you get the Arnold bread people sending you loaves?
ancient chinese secret
Hi Julie,
I saw your comment on Tiffany's blog and came to visit. I love your site, and I will definitely be back!
I'm sorry about your dad, but I love that you have such positive things to say about him.
Thanks Bev, that's awfully nice
Ha, You must be on some top secret bread tasting board or something. Either way great review, and I look forward to the day that I run across some of this bread somewhere so I can try for myself! Where do they sell their products?
Well heck, I feel like such a failure. I couldn't find on their website what states they sell this bread in. I don't think we have it here in AZ. Oh well....maybe you'll run across it.
Yum! I love grainy bread, especially toasted. Never had grape jam, sounds delicious!
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