Well, the picture doesn't really do it justice, but here's how you make it.
Melt a stick of butter in a cake pan, then sprinkle 1 cup of coconut and 1 cup of chopped pecans over the butter.
Mix a package of German chocolate cake mix according to package directions and pour over coconut and pecans.
Mix together 1 box of powdered sugar, 1 stick of softened butter, and 1 package of softened cream cheese. Plop over cake by spoonfuls.
Bake at 350 for about 50-55 minutes.

You may think this looks like a little crock pot full of yellow glop, but you'd be SO wrong. The girl who brought this calls it buffalo dip and it is aweSOME!
She said it has cream cheese, blue cheese dressing, shredded chicken, hot sauce and some celery. I could eat it every day from now on and be happy.
We had a nice array of frijoles....
(I was promised there was no tripe in these)
Yeah, that's bacon swimmin' around in there.
A big tub o' taco salad....my personal favorite....
And this mysterious pasta salad that we never figured out who brought. Maybe it had been sitting there all week and we never noticed. Oh well.
FYI....I'll be out of town all week due to a death in the family (probably the reason for my wakefulness at this time of night when I'm usually drooling on my pillow). I might be able to check in from there but if not, see ya when I get back!
The earthquake cake sounds great! You must work at a great place to have all those wonderful potlucks!
Sorry about the death in the family, my condolances. The cake though wow, I can see the fault lines from here!
I'm sorry to hear about the death in your family. And the fact that you can't sleep.
That cake looks dyn-o-mite. I'll have to try that one.
My condolences on your family situation. The cake however does indeed look and sound "evil" >:)
Mmmmm that cake looks amazing!
I tagged you on my blog, but I know that you may not feel like playing right now, with the loss of your father. I just wanted you to know that I do enjoy your blog. My prayers are with you during this time.
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