I've been wanting one of these babies in a bad way for quite some time now. I'm not sure why I think I need one other than all the cool kids have one. I've searched sales, thrift stores, yard sales, craig's list. Just couldn't quite find one in my price range. I've also looked at the alternatives but they just left me feeling cold.
So this little beauty is what I end up with.
I believe this would be the Bosch Kitchen Machine circa 1970 something. I don't know if you can tell but that knob is avocado green which would have been perfect in my kitchen back in Arkansas. Because it is important that all your knobs match all your major appliances, just so you know. I'm not really sure why there has to be a blender stuck on the end there. I'm thinking it's too bad there's not a toaster on there too.
My girl and I hit some yard sales this weekend and just as we were about to wind it up and go home, I heard this little guy saying my name. In a really annoying, obnoxious voice. I told him "you're really nice and all but you're just not what I wanted". He replied "But I'm only 5 dollars. You'll never do any better than me." So that stopped me in my tracks as I was trying to walk away. AND because of my superior negotiating skilz I inherited from my father (thanks Dad!) I got it for only $4.
Of course I had to immediately put it to use to whip up a batch of Martha Stewart's french bread. I have to say, it works pretty darned good. AND if I decide I need a milkshake while I'm kneading my dough....I'm already halfway there with my blender whirring away at the ready. And just WHO doesn't need a milkshake while they're making bread anyway.

Here's the recipe for any interested parties:
2 pkgs active dry yeast
2 3/4 cups warm water
7 cups unbleached all purpose flour
4 1/2 teaspoons salt
Proof the yeast in 1/4 cup of the warm water.
Mix the flour and salt in large bowl. And the remaining warm water and mix well. Add the yeast mixture, blend into dough.
Turn onto floured board and knead until dough is smooth and elastic.
Put kneaded dough in a covered bowl and let rise till doubled. Punch dough down and let rise a second time until doubled. Punch down. Turn onto floured board and shape as desired.
Let rise, covered with plastic wrap, until double in size. Long loaves must be slashed along the top.
Preheat oven to 400. Bake about 25 minutes, spraying the loaves with water 3 or 4 times during baking....cause I always need more opportunities to burn myself.
I got six loaves with this.
So, do I still want a kitchen aid mixer? Well, yeah, pretty much.
Thanks for stopping by my blog today.
Your little $4 wonder looks like it did a great job with the bread. It look delish. Keep looking, maybe you will find a Kitchen Aid.
Your rainbow cookies look really great too.
Braggart. At least I laughed when I noticed your lighthouse dishes were featured again :)
Oh I so wanted one of those red ferraris too! But hey practicality and an exceedingly cheap price is better still. Great bread too - clever you.
Thanks for commenting my blog! Your blog is cuute! :) I've always wanted one of those things too... the worst part though - I'm so not a cook. I bake, sure... but really? I don't even know what that thing is. Or what it does. Or... if I'd ever use it. lol! I just really know that if it didn't take up so much counter space, I'd have one already. :)
it isn't about what it looks like...but if it makes it taste good...it's a winner...good find...and who knows...you may be able to take it to antique roadshow one day....could be worth a fortune....showing the SITS love...
Lisa: there's so much more to laugh at here. feel free.
I'm thinking if I did take this thing to the antique roadshow, there would be some serious laughing going on.
Cool retro mixer. That will be fun to use and it looks like it does a great job. In the mean-time, I'll say to you what I tell my kids when they ask for a kitten - maybe that Kitchenaid stand mixer will wander into your life at the appropriate moment.
Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love yours, love your writing. Cool Bosch find. Great looking bread.
Good luck on your KA quest. And if you ever do find one at a yard sale or something, knock them on the head for me and say, "What are you doing?" Then grab it and run away. ;)
While $4 is a bargain for such a clever machine with all those dials and buttons I reckon you may still need one of those kitchen aids in your life!
I like the way you think trashalou
Oh man. Your kitchen looks like mine. I have some of my mom's old (circa 1970) stuff! I so want one too!!
Thanks for sharing in my SITS day with me!
I have a fancy Kitchenaid mixer, but only because I took advantage of an ad misprint and got the $550 mixer for only $150! Even still, if I'd found something just as good at a garage sale for $4, I would've grabbed it. Great job! And that bread looks delicious!
You are mighty funny...a milkshake while you knead the dough. I had to hold back the laugh to not disturb my youngest. Thanks for leaving a comment. And I didn't come up with all the hair styles. I search various hair blogs. The one I started with is http://girlydohairstyles.blogspot.com/ and then I went from there. I usually surf the hair blogs in the morning to figure out what to do. Sorry for the novel!
laural: that's awesome at getting your kitchen aid for that price!
leiann: I had no idea there were hair blogs! I guess there's an everything blog.
Thanks for stopping by! I will have to check back in for all your recipes!! :) And I'm not quite sure how I'll do staying up til midnight either, but I'm going to give it a try!
My mom has a couple of older model Kitchenaids and loves them. That bread looks yummy too!
Love your cute little snow background!
Thanks, I liked the snow too. Since I never see any here!
That's a cool little tool! Wow!!!!! I do love my kitchen aid. The one good thing about my mother in law....
A Cowboy's wife is giving one away. Hurry I think the contest ends soon. Thanks for stopping by I hope that you visit again soon. And I know about her contest because I want a kitchen aid mixer too. So badly!
Im with you I would LOVE to have one of the fab mixers on my countertop and in that exact color hehe, I have my moms old mixer and I have to spin the bowl myself lmao, I would much rather mix by hand than use it lol, Carm
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