Monday, December 21, 2009

Peppermint Chocolate Sandwich Cookies

Got another yummy holiday cookie for you I found at Macaroni and Cheesecake. (I love that blog name!)
Basically it's sugar cookies with a ganache filling and chocolate on top sprinkled with crushed peppermint. It was supposed to have some peppermint extract in the filling but I couldn't find any at my local Wal Mart so instead of store hopping I just skipped it like any good slacker would. The candies on top more than make up for it I'd say.
If you're wanting to make these to share I'd go ahead and double it since it only makes 12.
Go ahead and click on over to Stephanie's site to get the recipe then come on back to see what I got from Foodbuzz and Paul Newman today. I'll wait.
Are you back? Oh good...
Look at all this loot! I couldn't believe it! I already know I love that honey mustard dressing, can't wait to try the rest of it.


Paula said...

Sounds yummy!!!

Angelia said...

Yum! Looks mighty tasty! Enjoy New Moon for me too. Hubba Hubba Jacob. :-)

Stopping by from SITS.

Anonymous said...

Visiting from SITS and those cookies look divine! I'm a member of Foodbuzz too, and I meant to sign up for the Paul Newman stuff but totally forgot. Dang.

Jamie Cooks It Up! said...

Wow! Those look great! I am happy to know about your blog!
Found you on sits...have a Merry Christmas!

PS...I got the same loot from Foodbuzz this week as well. It will be fun to play around with them, won't it!
Have a great day!

unconfidentialcook said...

These cookies look so good! Love ganache on anything--what's not to love?

Kimberly said...

Yum, yum.

Sending you and your family warm wishes, and a very Merry Christmas.

♥peachkins♥ said...

Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

These would be great with a tall glass of milk!

Happy SITS Tuesday!

Miranda said...

Sometimes when I store hop I STILL can't find what I need..that's when I skip it. LOL

grace said...

chocolate. peppermint. bliss. best sammiches ever. :)

The JR said...

Cool on the Paul Newman products!

Love the cookies.

Hope ya'll have a merry XMAS.

Danielle said...

Enjoy New Moon today. I have seen it twice and a third time would be fabulous! Yummy cookies! Merry Christmas!


Carol said...

Everyone is blogging about food and it's making me want to EAT!

Peggy said...

Like Carol said - everyone is blogging about food...I'm starving...

Those cookies look srummcious...Yummo!

Katherine Roberts Aucoin said...

These cookies look soooo good. Believe me, you are no slacker!

Monica H said...

mmmmm! to both the cookies and the PN stuff.

Mara Campbell said...

Those cookies look amazing!!! YUM!!!

Krista said...

"sugar cookies with a ganache filling and chocolate on top sprinkled with crushed peppermint." Okay, you had me at hello. These sound wonderful! I'll have to give them a try one of these days.

Reeni said...

The cookies look divine! And what a great package - I love that honey mustard dressing too! Never tried the alfredo - I bet it's really good.

Leslie said...


Stopping by to say hello and wish you a Merry Christmas. Enjoy the holiday!

Kim said...

Those cookies look like some serious chocolaty goodness with the crunchy goodness of candy canes - delicious!! Congrats on your loot from Newman's. That is an awesome box to receive!!

The imPerfect Housewife said...

Hey, great loot there girl!! Your blog is bookmarked in my favorites - I get fat just visiting (it's wonderful!) ha ha. Have a wonderful Christmas ~ ♥

Julie said...

Ha! I get fat eating all of it :)

Aunt Spicy said...

I am finally getting caught up on blog reading...and am drooling over all your cookies! These are too die for!

Anonymous said...

Such pretty pretty cookies Julie ! So sorry i've been away lately...have been caught up with the holidays...hope you and your family have a wonderful christmas !

Katy ~ said...

Yumm... those cookies look good, ganache in the middle, ganahce on the top.. a little peppermint. Sounds like Christmas to me.

Megan said...

I'll take of those cookies please. Cant go wrong with chocolate and peppermint! I got the Paul Newman pkge too. Cant wait to see what you do with yours! Happy New Year to you and your family!!!

Megan said...

I'll take of those cookies please. Cant go wrong with chocolate and peppermint! I got the Paul Newman pkge too. Cant wait to see what you do with yours! Happy New Year to you and your family!!!

Keri said...

These look awesome. Beautiful in fact. Lovin your blog. I'm a follower now. When you have time, come and see my blog. I'd be proud and honored to have you as a friend/follower. Happy New Year, Keri (aka Sam)