
Friday, October 29, 2010

Polenta Cakes

*If you haven't entered my giveaway, click here to do that now.  Ends. Nov 2.*

So, none of you showed up to help me out with all my extra polenta.  What's up with that?  I was forced to try to be creative, imaginative even.  I'm from the south ya know, so that's means "why don't we just fry that!".  I guess.  

 I just took that polenta (that I prepared in my last post) out of the fridge and sliced it up while it was cold and cut it into circles.  Sounded good in theory, but it didn't really have much holding power.  

 yeah I'm talking to you there in the middle

I ended up mixing some up with an egg and flour to kinda help bind it a bit.  That seemed to work a lot better.  I wish I could give you amounts, but I'm not that precise.  I'd say maybe about 1 to 1 1/2 cups polenta, 1 egg, and maybe 1/2 to 3/4 cups flour.   Just fried it in a well oiled skillet over med heat till it's golden on both sides, and there ya go! 

I hope all of you and your families have a fun and safe Halloween, fall festival, or harvest.  Whatever it is you do to get strangers to give you candy!


  1. Yum. I really like polenta! Great idea for the leftovers.

  2. I really am learning to love polenta. Thank you for sharing, and I'm sorry if I've been a bit sparse here lately...we are going through such a trial. Thank you for all your kind words on my own blog. They mean a lot!

  3. These polenta fritters look DELICIOUS! I've never fried polenta before but I've had polenta "fries" at a restaurant before. Good stuff.

  4. I need to learn to like polenta. I've seen so much of it lately and it looks really good. I only made it once and didn't really like it but it's time to try it again. Happy Halloween!

  5. I got lost. I couldn't find your house. I'm horrible with directions. Luckily I had dessert to consol me. :)

    Nice save with the leftover polenta!

    Happy Halloween!

  6. Nah, if you were really from the south you would have covered it in sausage gravy too (ha ha).

    Wait....that sounds good.

  7. Sorry I didn't get here sooner, but it looks like you did a great job on your own with the leftovers. Next time pack the leftover in a loaf pan, let it chill and slice. Dust the slices with a little flour and pan fry.

  8. I love fried polenta! I would of gladly helped you out! Happy Halloween!

  9. Fried polenta sounds like a winner to me. They look terrific!

  10. Yum .. I'd say they had a fantastic texture.

  11. What a great way to use that leftover polenta!!

  12. If I'd known, I would have brought fried pies!

  13. I keep saying I need to try Polenta.

    Hope you had a wonderful Halloween! LOVE that cartoon!

  14. I've never had polenta. Looks good though.

  15. I've wanted to try this with polenta!

  16. Those are some very pretty fried polenta cakes! Sounds like a good way of serving the leftovers.

  17. Look at you, getting al fancy on us! These are very pretty!

  18. I love polenta and these look so pretty!


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